Marta Correia
Marta Correia is a PhD candidate in Feminist Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Porto. She holds an M.A. degree in Women’s Studies. Her main interests in research include Virginia Woolf and her facet as a feminist, women writers who focus on the issues of oppression and war, women’s activist groups, nationalisms, and more recently, the role of food in the integration of refugees. She has published on these themes. She researches under the aegis of CETAPS (Centre for English Translation and Anglo Portuguese Studies) and ILC-ML (Institute of Comparative Literature – Margarida Losa), and is a member of two projects: “Alimentopia – Utopian Foodways” and “Intersexualities”. She has also developed events in the community, namely in the Women’s Bookshop in Porto and the Municipality of Valongo.